No Charges will be Laid Against Quavo and Saweetie in Elevator Fight


May 7, 2021

Law enforcement sources revealed that the case involving Quavo and Saweetie was referred to the L.A. City Attorney’s office and they declined to file charges. It is possible that Quavo and Saweetie would be celebrating now if they were still together.


They will not face criminal charges after their altercation in the elevator. Surveillance video of the two who were a couple at the time showed that they were in a physical confrontation for minutes.

The police had wanted to hear from Quavo and Saweetie to get a better understanding of what went on in the elevator but the couple had nothing to say.

It doesn’t seem like either of them are holding grudges after the fight and they are seeking to put the altercation behind them.

They are saying they had an unfortunate situation back then, but they learned from it and they have moved on. Quavo has real gratitude for what they shared overall, and Saweetie echoed almost the same sentiments. 

Since there might be no conviction for either of them, they can go their separate ways and just forget the troubles they had. 
