NWC Announces More Water Shortage for KSA Residents Amidst Drought


February 27, 2023

Due to the ongoing drought on the Island, the National Water Commission (NWC) has announced that, as of Wednesday, March 1, 2023, an increased number of communities in Kingston and St. Andrew (KSA) will be experiencing water restrictions due to a lack of water supply.


According to the body responsible for supplying the Jamaican public with water, authorities have declared that water supply regulations will now be extended to communities that receive water from the Mona system.

A number of experts have stated that the lack of rain on the island has been a significant contributing factor to the constant disruptions that customers of the NWC have to deal with on a daily basis.

NWC representatives argue that it is, therefore, necessary to implement night-time restrictions as a result of the current situation. The water providers also claim that there will be no interruption in the supply of water to customers from 6 am to 6 pm every day.

In a statement from the National Water Commission, they indicated that the current level of storage in the Mona Reservoir was at 66 percent on Friday and that the water level is constantly decreasing because of low inflows from the Yallahs River and Hope River.

Some of the communities that can expect to be affected by the restrictions are; Hope Road, Papine, Mona Road, Eastwood Park Road, South Camp Road, Harbour View, and Downtown Kingston.

See the full list below:

Jamaica Gleaner

RELATED: 3 Days Of Water Disruptions For Kingston And St. Andrew Says NWC

There are, however, concerns among customers regarding the NWC explanation, claiming that how an island surrounded by water and having plenty of rivers may have so many constant water disruptions each year, suggesting that the government body invests in technologies that can collect more water from Jamaica’s natural resources, including converting salt water into domestic water using applied technologies.


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