Pig Almost Drowns after Diving into Container of Water – Watch Video


November 26, 2023

Out of all the videos circulating on the internet, who would have thought that one would involve a pig narrowly escaping death after jumping into a container filled with water? That is exactly what happened in a recent footage shared which has created a stir of emotions online.


As if it was trying to escape, the pig jumped over the barrier around the pigpen, however, landed headway into a container of water on the outside. Evidently, in distress, the animal makes fast, sudden movements seemingly gasping for breath.

A woman soon ran to its rescue and tried to push the container over but was unsuccessful in her attempt. She then left to call for backup as within seconds, a man arrived and was able to set the pig free by pushing over the container.

Watch the video below:

There are mixed reactions to the video, with some persons expressing shock at the pig’s ability to jump that high, others thanked that the man was able to save it on time, while some found it comedic.

See some of the reactions below:

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