PM Holness Lists Several Achievements as Leader of Jamaica


June 28, 2023

In a press release from the Office of the Prime Minister, multiple achievements under the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP)-led government were highlighted, which Prime Minister Andrew Holness says have led to a sustainable economy.


According to Prime Minister Holness, the country has achieved economic stability due to the government’s implementation of prudent policies, strategic national investments, and commitment to inclusive growth. Holness highlighted several accomplishments during his tenure as prime minister, such as the reduction of unemployment by nearly 50%.

Prime Minister Holness added that significant strides had been made to enhance access to skilled training to drive greater economic growth. Providing free access to The Human Employment and Resource Training Trust (HEART) was named as one strategy used by the government to attain this objective.

Holness went on to highlight the increase in the country’s minimum wage from $6,200 at the start of his occupancy of his office to its current rate of $13,000. The Prime Minister further emphasised Jamaica’s stability, namely the country’s stable exchange rate and debt reduction, during the global uncertainties of the coronavirus pandemic.

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The allocation of resources towards infrastructure development, compensation for public sector employees, and housing has been described as some of the benefits of Jamaica’s ability to reduce its debt service costs. Prime Minister Holness praised the country’s remarkable resilience and recovery over the past few years, noting the increase in foreign reserves and that the Jamaican dollar remains stable.

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