PM Holness Shares the Importance of Daily Exercise – See Photos


December 4, 2022

In a post that he made on Instagram, Prime Minister Andrew Holnes tells fellow Jamaicans to stay fit.


The Prime Minister, known by the wider populace as “Bro Gad” is noted for his strong-looking physique and being in shape. Taking to social media to encourage his citizens, he uploaded a few photos on Instagram to show Jamaicans some of what he does to maintain “a healthy weight”.

He strove to educate the masses on why daily exercise should be welcomed and captioned the post, “Daily physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic disease. Staying active remains an important part of my life despite my schedule.”

He continued to say that one should dedicate at least 30 minutes out of their day to exercise in order to keep “noncommunicable diseases at bay.” He also stated that as today is the beginning of a new week, all Jamaicans should start to “get up and get moving!”

See the pictures he posted below:

A short while after the upload was made, many commented on the post to either agree or combat the statement. Minister of Health and Wellness Christopher Tufton was all for the positive message and left a simple comment that said, “Go PM!” Someone by the name of auzzitravels voiced, “I agree and let’s do like Brazil and Columbia and free outdoor GYMS throughout the city that citizens can access,” while plewisjwi said, “I remember doing a couple laps before going to class at UWI.”

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