Prime Minister Holness Warns Of Vaccine Mandates To Be Implemented Soon


September 17, 2021

Prime Minister Holness, is issuing a stark warning to the people of Jamaica that preferential treatment between those vaccinated and those not, will become a thing very soon as such he is encouraging everyone to play their part and get the “Jab”.


Where the vaccine mandates are concerned, the Prime Minister at a talk at the house of representatives on Wednesday says he is still not in support however in highlighting Jamaica as a liberal democratic country, he says the nation is unlike the Eastern Caribbean countries and as such public engagement and education is a priority.

In explaining the levels at which the Eastern Caribbean countries are currently at, Mr Holness stated that two Caribbean Jurists told them that there were no barriers to them implementing the vaccine mandates, which the Jamaican leader states will cause the pandemic situation in his country to evolve.

Already Mr Holness says the situation of differential treatment has already started in Europe, wherein you need to have a vaccination card to enter some restaurants and important places.

He also pointed out that Denmark, especially, was at the point of deferential treatment where a person would need a vaccination card to enter a nightclub but the Prime Minister also stated that they have now abolished those rules since the majority of their population has gotten the “Jab”, something he would love for Jamaica to replicate.

In his talks at the house of representatives, the Prime Minister also spoke out against persons who would rather shake off their responsibilities to themselves, their families, countries and communities to do what he describes as going on a free ride.

Mr Holness continued on Wednesday in his informative speech to state that once the satisfactory vaccination levels are met, the Government might think about relaxing the Covid-19 measures that have been put in place to restrict gatherings and events.

Differential treatment because of vaccination is not something new that Andrew Holness is bringing up however, since the conversation was raised earlier this year where he spoke to giving better treatment to vaccinated teachers but his comments were met with a heavy backlash from the JTA.

Currently, the Prime Minister states that only 7 percent of the population has gotten their double dosage of the vaccine, with approximately 13 percent only getting one “Jab”.


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