Rocky Point Residents Saying the Police Arrested the Wrong Person and Took his 300k for Plane Crash


January 27, 2021

The residents of Rocky Point Clarendon, are complaining due to infiltration of the police in their community of Rocky Point, Clarendon after a plane coming in from Mexico crashed on a beach owned by a man living in the area.


It is being reported by civilians of the community that, residents arrived at the plane crash scene, earlier than the police and even went on to the extent of seizing gallons of petrol, that was ironically the only thing on the air vehicle.

One woman who spoke to Tvj news said that the police has been swarming Rocky Point ever since the crash, but only giving the man who owns the beach problem.

An elderly lady spoke to the reporter telling them that the police kicked off the man’s door, then went on to search the house, eventually seizing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The reports are that the police searched the owner’s house on Sunday, and proceeded to do so today again without a warrant or any form of permission.

It was further said by residents that there was no form of investigation done, and the police spoke to no one they only acted.

Residents of the community are now worried about their safety and would like the police to leave them alone, however, the lawmen are insisting they are hiding a fugitive.
