SHOCKING Testimony Today By Prosecutor’s First Witness In Klansman Gang Case


September 22, 2021

After experiencing some technical difficulties on Tuesday which stalled the process of trial, the case concerning the 33 alleged members of St. Catherine based Klansman gang is now up and running again, and seems to even be picking up some dangerous momentum.


To start the new court day, the prosecution had their first witness testify before Judge Bryan Sykes, which was done remotely and one could more than understand why due to the volatile nature of the case.

According to the Jamaica Observer who initially brought the news, the first witness told the court he played an important role in the operations of the gang as he was their banker and extortion collector as well as the alleged leader Andre “Blackman” Bryan’s personal driver.

The witness went on to let the home circuit court know that daily, his collection amounts would range between 80,000 and 100,000 from the Spanish Town Bus Park, except on Sundays as no extortion happens on that day.

The witness said that he was introduced in 2016, to “Blackman” by a friend of his who became a high ranking member of the gang, but eventually met his death. It was the same year that he said his job as the alleged gang leader’s driver started, which he did not refuse since Bryan is a gangster.

“Blackman” and the other alleged members of the Klansman Gang were arrested, and charged under the Anti-Gang legislation, however, there were hiccups in the case since it could not have been started without the accused leader of the group securing an Attorney which took some time but he eventually did.

Over the next few days, more witnesses and evidence are said to be in the pipeline, which will certainly give more of an eye-opener as to the direction that matters are heading.


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