Spragga Benz Highlights Vaccine Side Effects Impacting JDF Soldiers


March 17, 2021

Since the vaccine rollout was announced, many people have been sceptical about it and influential members of society have been speaking up about it especially, the entertainers in Jamaica.


Just recently, veteran reggae artiste, Buju Banton ranted about the distrust the people have for the Government due to them doing things underhandedly.

Spragga Benz a few days ago, joined the charge with the “Gargamel”, by adding his thoughts on the provoking issue, however, just yesterday a voice note was leaked by the veteran Deejay, highlighting a man telling a very serious tale.

In the voice note, that was shared by Spragga we heard a man giving information about some soldiers at the JDF camp who had taken the vaccine.

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The twist to the story is that instead of feeling normal, the entertainer said his source is letting him know that the soldiers have been going through some real tough side effects of the vaccine, to the point where it has made them weak to the point where they cannot move.

The man in the voice note also told the “Tiny tot” deejay that the soldiers were even commanded by their superiors not to take any pictures of what is going on.

To close off the voice vote, the question was asked if the fact that if the vaccine is dealing with well-trained soldiers like that, what will it do to the regular man?

With that being said the entertainer says he will continue to stick to his natural remedies.

He also tweeted recently that the Prime Minister should have been the first one to take it, which Mutabaruka and Buju Banton has also advocated to see.

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