Tesha Miller Suing TVJ Over “Gang Leader” Statement


One of Jamaican’s most feared name in recent times “Tesha Miller” is looking to clean up his identity ahead of his upcoming much anticipated trial for the killing of Jamaica Urban Transit Company(JUTC) chairman Douglas Chambers, Chambers was also known to be a chartered accountant by profession.

According to investigative reports Douglas Chambers was killed for not paying up extortion dues back in 2008 outside the gate of the JUTC head office located at Twickenham Park in St Catherine.


Tesha Miller who’s from Spanish Town and claims to be a welder by profession was reported in a TVJ newscast that was aired on March 19, 2019 to be the leader of the much feared Clansman gang. Now he’s requesting TVJ to back track on their statement publicly in the form of a formal apology and cover damages cased by the statement.

Tesha’s current Lawyer Bert Samuels Told The JAMAICA STAR that “To say a man is a gang leader in the absence of a conviction under the anti-gang law is to tarnish his reputation. He is presumed innocent under law. If you call a rapist a thief, he can sue you. Further, if you call him a gang leader, as a television station, while he is about to face a jury for trial, you are denying him a fair trial by an independent and impartial tribunal. Hence, he is entitled to constitutional damages” he also states that he sent a letter to TVJ prior to taking the matter to the court

A senor legal adviser Shena Stubbs-Gibson from the RJRGLEANER Group team states that the group indeed got a letter from Mr. Miller’s attorney on the matter and are currently looking into how best to deal with the matter. She also went on to explain to the JAMAICA STAR that “we are prepared to put our evidence to a court of law and have same determine a) whether Mr Miller has a reputation that was capable of being, or indeed was injured, by the broadcast in question; and, b) if Mr Miller’s reputation is otherwise good, whether our broadcast was indeed defamatory and cannot be defended.”

Tesha Miller was last arrested by the Police in October of 2018 while occupying a house with couple others in St. Andrew. The other occupants of the house were also arrested.

Miller was denied bail when he last appeared in court which as November 2018. Chief Justice Bryan Sykes explains that Miller was denied bail because he fled the island more than once in the past and got charges for using fictitious names hence he’s a flight risk if let out on bail.

Miller was arrested while in United States back in 2013 after he was found there, he was there illegally, reports also states that he was deported from there previously. Miller was arrested again later while in the Bahamas as he made another attempt to get into the USA.

Earlier the lead prosecutor told the court that there’s a witness who’s willing to testify that Tesha Miller gave the order for JUTC’s chairman Chambers to be killed for not paying money to the Clansman gang. However a twist in the tale comes after the the prosecutor identities the key witness to be Andre ‘Blackman’ Bryan who’s also a reputed leader of the now divided Clansman gang.

The prosecutor asks the judge to use video statement as Blackman’s safety is at risk should he appear in court. The defense states otherwise. Miller’s lawyer argues that BleckMan is a known gang member as well, the judge stated that the court will accept Blackman’s testimony via video.

Andre ‘Blackman’ Bryan was jailed over the same murder and claims that himself and Tesha miller was in a meeting when Tesha Miller gave the order to carry out the killing, Mr. Bryan begged Tesha to not carry out the murder according to the prosecutor.

Court proceedings on the killing of Mr. Chambers will continues on April 24.


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