This NEWBORN Baby Is Huge!


May 28, 2021

A 27-year-old UK mother recently gave birth to a 12-pound 9-ounce baby. Born by C-Section, the baby was so large that two persons were needed to lift him out of her. 


The average newborn measures 20 inches in length, and often weighs between 6 and 10 pounds. Baby Zeik surpassed both standards, measuring a whopping 24 inches in length. This is remarkably, what an average 2-monhth old measures and weighs. For a better perspective, Baby Zeik, weighed more than a gallon of water, which weighs over 8 pounds. Imagine that!

The mother, Amy Smit was surprised at his size when the newborn was presented to her. She reported that her first words were , “Bloody hell!” She and her husband reported that they had been hearing the medical staff exclaiming in awe at his size, as they requested more hands on deck during the birth. 

Amy and her husband have had to repurchase clothes for their humongous newborn and reported that at 2-months, he wears clothes for 6 to 9-month-olds.

The parents who are themselves above average  in height, explained that while they expected the baby to be tall, they did not expect him to be that big. Amy shared that she had lost her appetite during pregnancy and so baby Zeik’s size is not attributable to her diet.

The two are happy with their baby as he is and continue to marvel at his growth.
