Tim Westwood Steps Down From BBC Capital Xtra Due To Sexual Misconduct Allegations


April 28, 2022

Tim Westwood from the popular Capital Xtra program has decided to leave the program after being faced with several accusations of sexual misconduct that have been reported by BBC the overarching company for the show.


According to BBC who published an article on the matter, there have been at least 7 women who have made claims that the former Capital Xtra host, has behaved in predatory ways to them as well as touched them inappropriately.

The revelations concerning the behaviour of Westwood were made known publicly on Tuesday when BBC in partnership with the Guardian launched a joint investigation into reported events between the year 1992 and 2017 which saw women who made the accusations stepping forward to give their accounts of their experience with the Hip Hop DJ who operated on BBC Radio 1 and 1 Xtra for 19 years and Capital Xtra for 9 years.

In the account by the women who were also all black, they stated that Westwood had done things like forcing them into “unwanted and unexpected sex” as well as unwanted oral sex, with some stating that the DJ had done things such as touching their breasts and bottom. The confessions of the women were then packaged as a BBC Three documentary entitled; Tim Westwood: Abuse of Power.

On Wednesday Tim Davie who is the director-general for BBC made it known that the testimonies the women gave were as he puts it “Powerful and appalling” and as such he urged persons with more evidence to step forward and give their accounts. Even then, however; Davie made it clear that he did not find any evidence of such accusations while he was at BBC.

Where it concerns Westwood’s defence a spokesperson representing him told BBC that they are denying the allegations, further noting that the Hip hop DJ would not have behaved in the manner in which he was described to have acted.

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