Transgender Sign in Half Way Tree Kingston, is it Being Forced Upon the Nation’s People? – Watch Video


April 24, 2023

The issue of gender identity and whether a person can decide if they are male or female at the drop of a hat has recently had the world in a chokehold. The island of Jamaica, however, has remained adamant at its core in its homophobic beliefs and has also stayed rooted in portraying that the church is what its culture stands on.


This is why when one social media user saw a video of a poster in Half Way Tree, Kingston, that depicted an image of a person that did not appear to be clearly distinguishable by gender, it infuriate him and prompted him to call upon the Jamaican people to take action. 

The social media user even took the chance to quote a scripture from the Christian Bible to support his point. He added that the people of Jamaica should stand up and protect the country’s culture, the families, and Jamaica’s children, which would ultimately protect the country’s future.

The section of the digital poster that the guy is referring to reads, “Differences Make US Jamaican. Be Bold, Be Different. Be JAMAICAN.”   The user believes that putting this in the heart of the corporate area where children are traversing daily is a tactic to invade the children’s minds and make them believe that nothing is wrong with being transgender.

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The sign was reportedly placed beside the transport center in Half Way Tree where almost all pedestrians take public transport.

Watch the video of an angry man calling on the Jamaican peopleto help fight against transgenderism below:


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