Usain Bolt Statue To Be Erected In Falmouth Trelawny


Falmouth, Trelawny will finally be home to a monument of their very own legendary Sprinter Usain Bolt, which will be resurrected at the location of their famous Water fountain.

Bolt is certainly deserving of the gesture as he holds two of the World’s most untouchable sprint records as well as 11 World Championship Gold medals and 8 respectively in the Olympic games.


The fountain which was erected in 1805 is said to have had several redesigns over the years and this newly planned innovation will see it featuring 8 spouts, through which water will be able to be pumped in the air.

The statue alongside the renovated fountain will give locals as well as foreigners a unique photo opportunity and right there on location at the area designated for pedestrians, will be two-storey boards, dedicated to the statue and the water fountain.

According to the Mayor of Falmouth Councillor C Junior Gager, the statue is already in Jamaica and at the monthly gathering of the Municipal Corporation which took place on Thursday, he opened an invitation for persons to view and even criticise the design of the improved fountain.

The statue, according to the mayor, has already gained the approval of several councillors, the chamber of commerce, the Jamaica National Heritage Trust as well as from members of the diaspora and persons interested in leaving their criticisms and comments will be able to do so at the municipal building.

The statue was for some time in the expectations of people as earlier this year Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sports Olivia Babsy Grange spoke about the idea, however, now it is about to turn into a glamorous reality as the fountain will be used to celebrate national holidays as well by sprouting out water in the country’s honourable colours.

Where it concerns the energy usage of the fountain, it is said that it will be powered by solar energy with any extra generation of current being sent back to the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited.

Based on the latest posts, Bolt is currently in Europe, check him out below.


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