3 Days Of Water Disruptions For Kingston And St. Andrew Says NWC


June 23, 2022

The National Water Commission (NWC) has announced that they will be completing the interconnection works for the new pipeline that has been installed along Spanish Town Road and is urging the residents of communities in Kingston And St.Andrew to store enough water for the three days of planned disruptions.


The NWC has stated that their contractors will begin this final phase of activities on Friday at 8 a.m, ending on Sunday at 10 p.m and also say the three days are necessary due to the extensive nature of the work that is to be done.

The areas that will be impacted during this period are the following: Cooreville Gardens and New Haven, Marcus Garvey Drive, Spanish Town Road and all roads leading off, this is inclusive of Atlantic Boulevard, sections of Washington Gardens, sections of downtown Kingston including Charles Street, North Street, Tivoli Gardens and environs.

The NWC went on to say that they are currently exploring measures to provide a relief supply for areas situated between Weymouth Drive and downtown Kingston for several hours on Saturday and will provide additional updates in regards to these arrangements.

This, unfortunately, will not be anything new for the residents of Kingston and St.Andrew who have experienced numerous lock-offs and traffic flow problems due to the US$25 million project that was started in November of 2020 and has seen many delays due to the pandemic but is expected to bring significant benefits to the residents.

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