A GoFundMe was Launched For Legal Fees of Path Way Church Leader Kevin Smith
October 20, 2021, 8:04 AM (GMT-5)
As earlier shown on gofundme.com, a campaign was launched to help the legal fees of Dr. Kevin Smith who is currently behind bars as a result of sacrificial deeds that were being done at his Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Ministries Church that’s located in Montego Bay, St. James.
Check out the message that was written by Robert Smith in the request for funding to aid in the leaders legal fees below.
“His Excellency Kevin Smith 999… All members of pathway International let us raised the funds required for lawyer(s) to defend Crown bishop His Excellency Dr.Kevin Smith and other members, now is the time to stand up against our adversaries,999.”
It must be noted that the go fund me page was removed hours ago.