Better Compensation For The JCF – Dr. Chang


January 26, 2022

In recent times, members of The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) have been in negotiation with the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) regarding an increase in their salary and allowances, as well as overtime payments owed to them from 2008 to 2015.


During this negotiation, the JCF agreed to forego the payments owed if the Government agreed to pay an upfront lump-sum and pay the remainder of balances owed within a two year period. The Government counter-offered and proposed to pay arrears over a six year period from 2019, however, this offer was subsequently denied by the JCF.

That matter is now ongoing in the Court.

Despite the hold-up in payments, Dr. Horace Chang, the National Security Minister asserted to members of the JCF that the Government will rectify the manner in which they are compensated to ensure proper remuneration for their contribution as law enforcement officers.

On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, Dr. Chang told the House of Representatives that the Government intends to give police the treatment they deserve in terms of improved salary and allowances. He went on further to say that the police force have been treated poorly and neglected because of the successive Government.

Nonetheless, Dr. Chang confidently stated that the JCF will be better equipped to effectively carry out their duties, as the force will be equipped with enhanced resources.

The Government is also in the process of recruiting more persons for the JCF in addition to the 1,250 recruits that will complete their training programme in March 2022.

RELATED: Police Officers Demand More Pay – Video

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