Damion Crawford BLAMES Holness’ Calling of Election For COVID-19 SPIKE – Video


June 3, 2021

PNP member of parliament, Damion Crawford in his most recent speech, outlined that the election that took place in 2020 caused the COVID-19 cases to go up in Jamaica. He detailed that the government lead by PM Holness knew of a projected spike before calling the election based on findings from the Ministry of Health.


According to Crawford, based on statistic, the major spike took place when the last general election was called. He also called out the government for blaming entertainment and not the election when the evidence is there. He also reminded the house that he was one of the main persons calling for “No election” at the time.

Damion went on to outline that PM Holness called the election to gain government advantage, which they did.

“There was a time when Jamaica’s numbers were not moving with the rest of the world,” Says Crawford as he recalls the times when Jamaica had very few COVID-19 cases if compared to the rest of the world, “the management was good” he declared.

Recently, PM Holness tweeted that. “Our previous attempt to allow entertainment to open in the summer of 2020 was one of the factors that resulted in our first spike”. He did not stop there as he also tweeted about “carelessness that result in spikes” and promises to adjust the measures. 

In March, Crawford claimed that Government badness was a feature of the approach of the JLP Government. The citizens of the country are afraid of the Government. He accused Mr Holness of embracing a song called “Government Badness”.

Many Jamaicans are not accepting these statements from the prime minister and have vented in the comments on social media. Check out Damion Crawford’s full speech that is being supported by many Jamaicans below.

RELATED: Damion Crawford leaked Conversation about Lisa Hanna and Mark Golding – Audio



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