Domestic Dispute Leaves Woman Impaled In St. Ann
Earlier this morning Jamaican Journalist Damion Mitchell made a Twitter post highlighting what he called a “chilling manifestation of Jamaica’s chronic domestic violence problem.” An image was uploaded of a woman in St. Ann Jamaica getting medical treatment after it was alleged that during a domestic dispute with her boyfriend, he threw a hedge cutter at her with enough force that it ended up being lodged in her lumbar region.
As reported by Mitchell, the incident happened on the last day of May this year. The 24-year-old woman has since then and although she still has mobility in her legs she continues with medical ministrations. The boyfriend is 57 years old.
In response to the post by Mitchell, someone stated that “everything is broken in Jamaica, the family, relationship and the justice system”, while another pointed out the 33-year gap between the two lovers. Another person went on to say “mighty God, what is wrong with people?! Dating is so scary these days. I pray she continues to heal.”
Video footage of medical personnel working cautiously to remove the object impaled in the victim can be seen below;
The man is currently on bail.
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