Man Fatally Shot After A Dispute Outside A Bar In Brazil


January 16, 2023

In a horrifying video recently uploaded online, a man in a blue shirt, blue jeans and a red and black baseball cap appears to have been killed by another unidentified man wearing a pink shirt, blue jeans and a red baseball cap.


The man who seemed to be the aggressor in the video of the incident, who was later killed, was seen draping another man wearing a black baseball cap, blue jeans, as well as a red and blue shirt.

At first, the incident seemed to be just another mini brawl at a bar, with the aggressor holding on to another male. The aggressor then pushes the man to the ground after telling him off, what was uttered is unknown as the two-minute video has no audio. The man who was shoved to the ground earlier got up with his shirt now unbuttoned after being draped. He then walked towards a group of people, including four men and a woman who he was seemingly familiar with.

That’s when the incident took a violent turn as the aggressor is then seen with a knife in his hand after he had left the video field of vision momentarily. He then grabs the man he previously held and places the blade on his neck. An unidentified man in the group of guys who were together tried to pull away the aggressor, but he eased him off. 

Another unidentified male who was a part of the group of four men got up from his seat after observing the entirety of the incident from its inception. Clad in a pink shirt, blue jeans and blue baseball cap, he drew his concealed weapon and hit the aggressor a minimum of three times at point-blank range.

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The aggressor was left motionless on his back as all the eyewitnesses and the shooter exited the scene in the same direction, except for one male dressed in similar-looking clothes as the dead male, as the video concluded. 

Watch the video of the incident below:


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