Mother Emotionally Recounts How Her 8YO Son Was Fatally Shot in Kingston – Watch Video


August 1, 2023

A grieving mother tells viewers how her eight-year-old son was killed by gunmen at his residence while she fought to keep her cries at bay.


According to the Jamaica Star, two people, a man and a little boy, were fatally shot in Kingston East on Sunday, July 30. Reports state that the man was identified only as Joel and the eight-year-old as DJ Dawes of Burgher Gully.

Recounting the moments leading up to her son’s death, it was stated that the mother of the deceased was outside with her daughter when she witnessed two men being accosted by two other men with guns. Trying to leave the immediate area she said, “Me turn my back now…me hear the shot dem a fire ova my head.”

The gunmen started firing at the fence and the gate and she warned that there were only children in the yard (she was ignored) and the kids started to cry out. After the armed men fled the scene she was alerted by her daughter to a gut-wrenching scene.

“Mi daughter bawl out and say ‘mommy, DJ get shot’…so when mi go suh and run come in now mi see pay blood innah e passage…” she said as she broke down into tears.

The grieving mother mentioned that she grabbed her son in her arms and rushed with him to get a vehicle to the hospital, and at that moment she was praying that he would remain alive.

However, her world came to a standstill after reaching the hospital and she was told that his heart was no longer beating. She cried, “When mi reach di hospital wid him dem say him heart nah beat. Mi start bawl, cyah believe say DJ just gone down so.”

Eight-year-old Dawes died from a single gunshot wound to the heart.

After recounting how her son died, she dissolved into tears and continuously cried out her son’s name.

Watch the full video below:


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