UPDATE: Muschett High School Student Charged For Stabbing


February 11, 2022

The female student from Muschett High School in Trelawny, who was caught on camera fighting and stabbing another schoolgirl, was charged by the police for wounding with intent. Using an item that appeared to be a pen she had stabbed the other female in her face and her arm.


The charge the student face was confirmed by the head of Trelawny Police Division, Superintendent Carlos Russell. In an interview with Observer Online, Superintendent Russell informed, “She was given bail in the custody of her parents and is to appear in the family court on February 17.”

The fight between the two students took place on Monday, February 7, and the girls have since been suspended for 10 days.

The videos that surfaced on the internet, which quickly became viral, showed the fight, the stab wounds and the alleged stabber receiving detention from the police.

The cause of the fight is still unknown.

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