Will Jamaica See Prime Minister Andrew Holness Become A Benevolent Dictator?


April 2, 2021

Citizens of Jamaica have been concerned these days about the state of the country, and the direction in which the leadership is heading, and some have even described the movements of the Prime minister as small steps to him becoming a benevolent dictator.


According to American economist Mancur Olsen, a Benevolent dictator can be likened to a rancher who takes great interest in the protection of all his cattle and ensures that they are all fed.

In Jamaica, there have been issues popping up with the current governance of the country that has led citizens, to the conclusion that changes in the way the country’s leadership is being carried out are slowly being changed. One of the main points that can be highlighted to show drastic changes happening, is the recent Covid-19 restrictions that allow the Prime Minister the ultimate executive authority which when violated leads to criminal charges.

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Even though the average Jamaican person has been revelling against the Covid-19 restrictions, the Government has still proceeded under the orders of the prime minister to implement heightened states of emergency, that they claim will decrease crime.

There have been, however, many backlashes coming from, Jamaicans as well as a Supreme Court ruling that made it clear that some of the crime-fighting strategies have proven to be unconstitutional as it relates to human rights.

Currently, the seats in parliament stand at 49 – 14 which means that the Jamaica Labor party has the upper hand of power, and since the Prime Minister heads the political party it would be easy for him to slowly step into the position of a dictator, knowing that the policies that are now being created are supposed to be for the greater good of the nation.

The Jamaican people have, however, become very suspicious of the Government and many, including some of the country’s biggest musicians, have been standing up to educate the people on their shortcomings.

Will Prime Minister Andrew Holness be the next Fidel Castro, Hitler or Lee Kuan Yew who turned around the country of Singapore? We all will need to wait and see.

RELATED: Andrew Holness Showing ‘Government Badness’ says Damion Crawford in Parliament
