20-Y-O Wife Terrified of Letting Her Husband See Her Naked


August 10, 2023

Raised in the Christian church with no experience prior to her husband, a 20-year-old woman has found it difficult to allow her husband to see her naked despite the couple being married for a year now.


According to the woman, she did not have her first date until she was 18 years old when the man who is now her husband asked her to go out with him. She was fearful when he asked her about the date and was made even more uncomfortable later on in their date when he began to kiss her neck and fondle her breasts.

Sharing her story in the Jamaica Star’s Tell Me Pastor collum, the woman said she requested that he take her home and began to cry. He called her later that night to apologise for the incident, explaining that he could not help himself. He went on to propose to her on the call, and she accepted.


The woman said that while they have consummated their marriage, she has not allowed him to see her naked, reserving sex for the night and without lights. She revealed that she does not enjoy sex with her partner, and there is now a rift in their relationship because she will not let him see her without her clothes on.

Their disagreement has gotten to the extent that she has threatened to report him for rape if he continues to try and force her. She has told her husband that only her doctor is allowed to “look under” her.

Her husband has since complained about the matter to her mother, who seemingly did not help with the problem by telling him that when she got married, she could not keep her clothes on and slept without underwear.

The woman shared that her husband has given her six months to change her attitude towards the matter. She expressed that she does not hate her husband and has been doing the other things expected of a wife, but still does not like having sex.

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