Judge Responds to Bert Samuels – Tesha Miller’s attorney no-case submission


November 29, 2019

Tesha Miller who is accused of ordering the 2008 murder of the chairman of the Jamaica Urban Transit Company, Douglas Chambers, is represented by the attorney Bert Samuels in the Home Circuit Court.


The prosecution closed its case in the trial. Miller is charged with being the accessory before and after the fact to the Murder of Douglas Chambers. 

A self-proclaimed former member of the Spanish Town Clansman gang testified during the trial and revealed that Miller ordered him to create a diversion after the killing was done when he and other men met with Miller that day before the crime was committed.

Miller was also identified as the leader of the gang by the witness when he outlined the hierarchy of the gang.

The witness who told the court that he wanted to put an end to the violence in Spanish Town, said he was a member of the gang since he was 13-years-old and 13 members of his family were killed in 2 years, because of the action of gangs.

Justice Georgiana Fraser ruled that Tesha Miller, has a case to answer yesterday, even though his attorney, Bert Samuels made submissions to have the case thrown out.

Samuels had said the prosecution’s only witness was not credible, as there were differences between the testimony he gave to the police and the one he gave in court.

However, even though the witness cannot be named because of a court order, the prosecution said the witness was rational and cogent, as his statements made sense. In handing down the ruling, the judge said the issues that were raised by Miller’s attorney were matters of fact on which the jury could decide.

A senior deputy director of public prosecutions urged the jury to believe the testimony of the Crown’s star witness, who claimed to have once been a member of the Spanish Town-based Clansman Gang.

Tesha earlier denied knowing the witness or sending the witness to commit the crime.

Trial judge Justice Georgiana Fraser will on Monday begin her summation of the evidence presented in the trial of Tesha Miller


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