Man Jumps into Moving Police Car – Watch Video


December 3, 2023

Passerby motorist and passenger captured video footage of a man who jumped through the open window of a police vehicle while it was still on the move.


The man, dressed in green shorts and a white t-shirt (wearing a black backpack) was first seen acting a little strange as he crossed the road between moving cars multiple times. Suddenly, the man takes off at a slight run with his hand in the air as if hailing a taxi and the footage shows him running up to an oncoming police car.

The man holds onto the open back window of the moving car and jumps into the backseat. The officer in the vehicle stops in the middle of his lane and seems to be telling the man to remove himself as shortly after the man is seen exiting the car via the door on the other side.

Watch the video below:

The video was uploaded online and while some people made light of the situation, one individual stated that he might have mental health problems.

Read some of the comments below:

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