Mother Hospitalised After Over $2 Million Disappeared From Her NCB Account Ahead of Upcoming Surgery


December 29, 2023

Reportedly robbed of over $2,000,000 that was in her National Commercial Bank (NCB) account for an upcoming surgery, a woman was hospitalised after finding out the funds were seemingly cleaned out by scammers.


The woman’s daughter, who shall be referred to as Jane as she did not wish to share her identity, disclosed that she and her mother’s linked NCB accounts were defrauded. According to Jane, a marketing manager, she received a text on November 1 notifying her of an NCB alert stating that a hold had been placed on her account.

Jane shared with the Jamaica Gleaner that the text instructed her to go to the website to review her transactions and restore access to her NCB card. Despite not clicking on the link, Jane said she became aware on November 6 that a large quantity of funds had been removed from her account while a massive $2,014,000 was taken from her mother’s.

In addition to reporting the incident to NCB, Jane notified the police of the fraud and informed her attorney, Matthew Hyatt. Hyatt has since contacted Dane Nicholson, head of the Fraud Prevention Unit at NCB, calling for the complete restoration of his client’s funds.

Hyatt also highlighted that the quantity of the funds was well over the daily transaction limit when transferred to a third party without authorisation from his clients or triggering an alarm.

As a consequence of the stolen money, Jane said her mother was hospitalised. The woman had earmarked the funds for an urgent intestinal surgery scheduled to take place in a few weeks.

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