Ukrainian Woman Captures Close Missile Strike on LiveStream – Watch Video


October 11, 2022

A woman in Ukraine was walking along a street videoing herself talking to the camera, reportedly for a live stream, when all of a sudden, chaos took place.


The woman might have been relaying some bad news in her mother tongue if her body language of covering her mouth multiple times while she spoke is anything to go by. She can be seen walking at a brisk pace, eyes wide, with a headset over her ears.

Abruptly, the sound of a fast, incoming aircraft carrier can be heard just before the moment of impact. The woman cowers then looks up for a brief second before she has to duck again. The footage showcases her background turning a brilliant shade of orange from the resulting explosion.

Debris can be seen flying in all directions and the woman’s hair is also seen whipping about her face. Trying to use her free hand for cover, she lets out a small, distressed mewl before once more adopting a brisk pace down the street, this time at a jog.

Take a look at the video below:

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