WATCH: Woman Attacks Man with Flying Kick to Save Another Man


April 3, 2024

This video shows the moment an upset female decided to launch an attack on a male who was beating-on another male said to be her boyfriend.


The 30-second-long footage, at the start, shows one man landing several blows to another man’s face who was on the ground in the street.

Moments later a female appeared in the frame as she ran eagerly to get in on the action.

As she got close to the two men, she launched into the air sending one foot forward, towards the man who was winning the battle. Her kick was so strong that it sent the standing man tumbling to the ground.

She then followed up with another kick to the man’s upper body as he tried to get up off the ground.

Notably, after being attacked by the woman, the man did not return to fight after a standoff. They all went their separate ways after the brief standoff.

Watch the bizarre video below:
