The Jamaica Gleaner recently caught up with the Minister Of National Security, Dr. Horace amid a slew of calls coming in from Jamaicans for him to resign from his Portfolio, however, the answer that was given to the popular news medium might not be what many would like to hear.
The first thing that Chang told the Gleaner in their small interview was that he is not going to resign as Minister of National Security, instead, the JLP senior member outlined the problem as if it is not with him, but the Police force.
As it relates to the point about the Police that Chang made, he stated that the Government has neglected the Police force for over 50 years with him referring to factors such as; run-down Police stations, the lacking transportation, and the lacking efficient communication as some of the reasons why he said what he did.
The Security Minister also highlighted that the Government uses the Police force as a highly proficient group, and moving forward the Commissioner has made several changes including internally reorganizing the force, changing the method of promotion, and the consideration of raising salaries as a way to improve performance but he also stated that these major changes will require investments.
Where his role in the situation of crime and violence is concerned, the Minister seemingly avoided to comment any further and insisted that he will not leave his post, instead, he went on to talk about the high number of murders that have been taking place in St. James over the last 15 years as a result of criminal activities such as scamming which he looks to be blamed for the spike in killings rather than himself.
Prime Minister Holness in recent times too, has made statements expressing his full confidence in the National Security Minister regardless of 111 murders already committed since the start of the year and the rate of killings in areas such as St. James, Westmoreland, and North St. Catherine dramatically increased.
Watch his full interview below.
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