Holy Childhood Girls Tongue Piercing Image Resurfaces


May 2, 2022

A once viral photograph that was making the rounds many years ago has resurfaced on Twitter, showing a group of Holy Childhood Girls posing in a picture with their tongues out, and their tongue rings the centre of attention.


The 5 girls, who seemed to have taken the selfie on the school compound, started a heated debate online when the picture was first posted on the internet.

While the image received a lot of backlashes, there were some commenters who spoke against the negative reactions.

La Tanya X commented underneath a 2015 post of the girls saying she had her navel pierced when she was 15-years-old and added, “NONE of Us were perfect TEENS! Judge yourself first.”

More comments from 2015 told critics to stop discriminating the females while others slammed them with some of the most demeaning names.

In another comment made 7 years ago, Talbert Nardia claimed 1 of the girls was employed at Scotia, while 2 other girls were working on their masters and the remaining two were teachers.

However, Twitter user BwoiiDanz claimed that one of the females was now a manager at IBEX.

More of the recent comments either expressed shock of just seeing it for the first time or recalled the old “LEGENDARY” Photo.

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