Jamaican Teen Gets Full Scholarship to Attend MIT in America


July 22, 2024

Star student Ronaldo Lee will soon be departing Jamaica as the Newlands, St. Catherine native makes his way to America to attend the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


The nineteen-year-old is one of three Jamaicans who have been admitted to the institution, which requires its applicants to score at least 1,580, provide a report on their performance in school, and submit multiple essays. Lee had scored 1,460 on the SAT and was doubtful if he would get in.

Ronaldo Lee

Additionally, the teen shared that he had been rejected by 17 other Ivy League colleges, with one indicating that he would have been a “burden” because of his current financial status.

However, while his score was shy of the desired mark, Lee’s outstanding performance at Campion College and involvement in extra-curricular activities such as the Student Programme for Innovation in Science and Engineering (SPISE) led to him being selected.

“[It was] Monday, March 20, 2024 [and] I was like: ‘Wait, I got into MIT?’ It was crazy… I was happy that I got in but I was even more happy when I realised that my mom would not have to pay [any tuition],” Lee stated to the Jamaica Observer, recalling the day he found out he was selected.

He was awarded a full scholarship and will be starting his studies of electrical engineering in August. Lee, one of two children for his mother Sophia Roberts, described her as his “biggest motivator,“ who never allowed him and his sibling to realise the reality of their financial struggles.

Roberts has also voiced praise for her son, whom she says will continue to be a “star.”

