Majah Loses Over 100,000 Instagram Followers From Abuse Claims


December 10, 2020

Majah Hype has lost over 100,000 followers off his Instagram page, since the abuse accusations laid on him by his ex-partner, Latisha Kirby.


Since the female took to social media and gave public information on the situation she has been facing, some fans of the comedian have taken her Kirby’s side, even making statements that they do not want to see another video skit from the comedian unless he publicly addresses what he did.

Majah Hype did publicly address the matter, however, in his video he declared that he was the victim in the situation, claiming that he did not abuse her but was cheated on.

RELATED: 3 New Sex Tapes Of “Kirby”, MaJah Hype’s Ex Leaked

At first, people did not believe the comedian about Kirby’s cheating, however, after several sex tape leaks, it is becoming more apparent that Kirby might be guilty of the infidelity accusations.

On Instagram, Majah Hype had over 1.2 million followers which depreciated to 1.1 million after, Latisha spoke out against him.

People have also been requesting that he gets counselling on the matter, with many female celebrities siding with Kirby.

Bajan artiste, Edwin Yearwood have also spoken out against abuse, making it clear that he is defending his sisters.

The situation has become a household Caribbean discussion and only gets more interesting by the day, as new information and tapes are released.

RELATED: “Mi get round 4 video” Foota Hype reacts to new Kirby Sextapes – Video

RELATED: MaJah Hype Ex Says He Release Sex-Tape after she Exposed him Abusing Her

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