This Man Reportedly Ran 9.55, Faster Than Usain Bolt’s 9.58


February 17, 2020

A Karnataka villager and Kambala jockey became an overnight sensation after he ran the traditional buffalo race and covered 142.50 meters in 13.62 seconds.


He broke the record and his time is now being compared with the time Usain Bolt did in 100 meters 9.58 seconds, to become the fastest man alive.

Srinivasa Gowda ran .03 seconds faster than Bolt when the calculations were done, and the comparison was made. The fact that the Kambala jockey ran alongside a pair of bulls and his speed was aided by the animals would make it unfair to compare his time with Usain’s time, never the less both are classified as record breakers who brought their sport to a new higher level.

Gowda’s, the 28-year-old winner has an achievement that is still remarkable as the race was ran in a slushy or muddy field and not on well laid out tracks.

Kambala is an ancient Buffalo race in Mangalore and Udupi regions of Karnataka. A place where the best trained buffaloes run with enthusiastic young men.

Gowda was surprised at the response he got after his amazing run, he chased the Buffalos to drive them he said, his feat was outstanding. The shy young man is a custodian of a culture that is being preserved, the Buffalo race has been going on for many years.


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