Mavado says “Jennifer Messado” Scammed him 30Mil… Looking forward to May 19 Court Date


March 24, 2021

Mavado took to Instagram a short while ago to make a short and cryptic statement, one day after he issued a lengthy statement about “Jennifer Messado” who he said stole 30,000,000 from him.


Read what he had to say about getting scammed below.

“Over 3 years this Lady Scammer Jennifer Messado stole over 30 million dollars from me. It seems her Job in Jamaica is to Proudly scam peoples properties and money. Has the power to take your money and cannot go to prison? Charged over 7 times and counting for scamming 100 of millions of dollars from the citizens of Jamaica and never been penalized. Everytime she goes to court she goes home. Two years ago she and the court system tried to turn my money into a loan of 150k per month payback (over 20years to collect) from a 75 year old 🤔. Plse Remember I didn’t lend her my money she scammed it.”

He continued “A couple days ago she got an opportunity to write an affidavit to the court saying she has no money to pay and the reason she should not go to jail. I remember going to this lady office for the first time, finding out she is a criminal she blatantly told me in front her lawyer there is nothing I can do about my money and she knows who to call. Then said I pulled a gun on her and hit her to the police. A FAILED PLOT she planned. That day she said she can make my life a living hell because after all I was the first person to make her get charge.”

“Which was also a fight for the police who told me even though they were trying their best, she was well connected. Proved it when she went to court and a judge told the police they should not lock her up on a Friday because she can’t post bail sameday and would stay for the Weekend. If I didn’t threaten to go social media she wouldn’t have been charged in the first place.. they charged her then for someone else money that was fighting years before me. Then they charged her for my money, and several others after! What is DPP Doing about this aristocratic Scammer or is because of who she’s knows n where she’s from and her power she pulls in the System. I’m Waiting to see on May 19, 2021 what this Judge is doing about my MONEY.”

Mavado also recently Stated that his son was given an unfair trial and the witness was not true to his statements.
