One1Can Responds to Miss Kitty’s Apology Request and Lawsuit Threat


May 2, 2021

One1Can whose given name is Milton Wray says, the letter that Miss Kitty’s lawyer sent to him was defamatory to him because he was called a liar in it. He believes no woman will want him now because he doesn’t have money and according to Miss Kitty no woman should date a broke man.


He says he is not bowing to Miss Kitty’s demands for an apology and he has hired the attorney, Mr. Townsend, to represent him in court, just in case Miss Kitty brings a lawsuit against him.

One 1 can says he is speaking up for all the broke men out there as Miss Kitty is forcing men to do wrong in order to impress women, by telling women not to date them. 

He said he and Miss Kitty went out twice, after he was set up with Miss Kitty by someone and all three of them went to Peppers one night before both he and Miss Kitty went out on a date. He insists that everything he said before was true.

RELATED: Miss Kitty Says She Didn’t Date One 1 Can and She Might Sue

He believes they defamed him by calling him a liar and they also said he concocted the story and he is making it clear that he is not dishonest. He thinks it is sad that someone is using our airwaves to look down on poor people, and advocating for women to be Gold diggers.

One1Can has been bashed on Social Media and in other places. He thinks a man who has no money can become rich in a day, and a rich man can become poor in a day also. That is why he thinks Miss Kitty’s way of telling women not to date poor men is a shallow argument, that is bad for society. 

Even though Miss Kitty didn’t call his name when she told women not to date poor men, he believes it was personal for him because he is poor.

Watch his entire interview below.
