Kanye West Vents His Divorce Heartbreak In A Poetic Instagram Post


March 5, 2022

Kanye West has been very open about his heartbreak from his divorce from Kim Kardashian, and by now the whole world knows he isn’t coping well.


Ever since Kim was declared legally single, Kanye has been making frequent posts that indicated how he felt. These posts went from text messages to videos and threats. Now, his latest post is a poem entitled ‘Divorce’ on Instagram.

The poem was posted on March 4, precisely two days after Kim Kardashian, was declared legally single and she immediately cut all ties with her ex-husband on social media. 

The poem gave an in-depth description of what the legal process of divorce felt like to Kanye as it was compared to real-life bad experiences.

Check out the poem from the artiste below.

Divorce feels like full blown Covid

Divorce feels like your doctor don’t know shit

Divorce feels like you’re walking on glass

 Divorce feels like you’re running through a glass wall

Divorce feels like you’re being bullied in a class hall

Divorce feels like you’re getting beat up in the mall

Divorce feels like your hand was burned on the stove

Divorce feels like your soul was dragged over coals

Divorce feels like grandma never got over that cold

Divorce feels like the first play of the super bowl and your ankle rolls

Divorce feels like your kids were snatched from your control

Divorce feels like you’ve been shot and traffic is slow

Divorce feels like heavy breathing

Divorce feels like suffocating

Barely breathing…

See the full poem below.

In a post, Kim made while their divorce was being processed, she said Kanye was trying to “manipulate” the situation and causing more pain.

“Divorce is difficult enough on our children and Kanye’s obsession with trying to control and manipulate our situation so negatively and publicly is only causing further pain for all.” She wrote in her post.

Poetry, being a well-known form of therapy, is believed by many persons to be the best outlet for Ye. Before the poem, Kanye released a very controversial music video for his song “Eazy”. This video had the internet in a frenzy as it featured Saturday Night Live star and Kim’s new lover, Pete Davidson, being buried alive.

Meanwhile, Kim and Pete are happily enjoying their relationship. Also, Kanye and Chaney’s relationship is still in full swing as the couple posts selfie on Instagram now and then.

As the whole world watches, fans hope Kanye and Kim can reconcile for even the children’s sake.

RELATED: Kanye West Rejects The Divorce Demands

RELATED: Kim Kardashian’s Divorce From Kanye West Finally Granted

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